This is a picture of the entire troop in it's founding year of 1918. The Troop is assembled in front of one of the original buildings of Saint Joseph College (later Saint Joseph International School).
Saint Joseph College, now closed, was a Catholic international boys school located on the "Bluff" area of Yokohama, Japan and was founded in 1901.
Brother Joseph Janning arrived in Yokohama, Japan in December of 1917 on assignment to Saint Joseph College.
His presented his idea for St. Joseph to sponsor a boy scout troop and, as this was accepted by the Director of the school, Bro. Janning became the founding Scoutmaster of what was to become known as the "INTERNATIONAL BOY SCOUTS, TROOP 1, in August of 1918.
During it's early years, and continuing through it's long history, the Troop was asked to form an Honor Guard to lead many parades through Yokohama. Here the Troop leads the 1919 Armistice Day Parade down the main street.
The Troop has formed Honor Guards to greet Prince and Princesses, Presidents, War Heros and even Emperors!